Lights of Kindness
Cast your Vote for the St. Vincent De Paul Tree
(Tree Number 14)
Local businesses have come together again to bring good cheer to a wide variety of local and international charitable projects that will touch thousands of lives.
Vote for the prettiest tree. Vote for the noblest cause. Vote for your favorite local business. Whatever your reason, know that every donated dollar counts as a vote, and we encourage you to vote as much as you like!
Voting is now open for our annual Christmas tree decorating contest.
Cast your Vote for the St. Vincent De Paul Tree (Tree Number 14)
Online voting has begun and ends December 16 at 4:00 PM.
REMEMBER: $1.00 = 1 vote
Thanks for helping us share in the Lights of Kindness this holiday season!
Vote for the prettiest tree. Vote for the noblest cause. Vote for your favorite local business. Whatever your reason, know that every donated dollar counts as a vote, and we encourage you to vote as much as you like!
Voting is now open for our annual Christmas tree decorating contest.
Cast your Vote for the St. Vincent De Paul Tree (Tree Number 14)
Online voting has begun and ends December 16 at 4:00 PM.
REMEMBER: $1.00 = 1 vote
Thanks for helping us share in the Lights of Kindness this holiday season!