Respect Life Ministry
Reproductive Freedom Amendment
Live Webinar on Question 1
Background Information
During the 2024 General Election, voters will be asked to amend Maryland’s constitution to guarantee the right to “reproductive freedom”. The following educational videos review the language of the amendment to better understand what you are voting on.
The bottom line: Passage of the RFA will give minor children the same reproductive freedoms as adults without parent’s knowledge or consent. Under this amendment, minors could consent to gender reassignment at the expense of Maryland taxpayers.
Learn more...
- RFA Education Video - Long Version (5:20) provides a detailed explanation on the impact of the RFA amendment.
- RFA Eductation Video – Short Version (1:11) - While not as thorough as the long version, it cuts right to the heart of the matter and summarizes the primary impacts of RFA.
The bottom line: Passage of the RFA will give minor children the same reproductive freedoms as adults without parent’s knowledge or consent. Under this amendment, minors could consent to gender reassignment at the expense of Maryland taxpayers.
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