Community Outreach and Service
Chemically Dependent Anonymous: Thursdays at 6:30pm.
Caring For Creation: Environmental Ministry: Help to make our Parish grounds more beautiful and environmentally responsible. Contact Chris - [email protected].
Social Justice Committee: Working for the dignity and respect of every life. Charitable giving is coordinated with the Pastoral Council, food drive is coordinated with Religious Education to provide the Light House Shelter in Annapolis with one month of pantry items. We participate in the March for Life in January. Contact Margaret Wood at [email protected] for more information.
St. Vincent de Paul: This ministry uses the money donated in the poor box to help residents of South County avoid evictions, utility shut-offs and other financial crises. For more information email Nick Pessagno - [email protected].
The South County Faith Network: Provides Transportation, Building Ramps and Doing Repairs for Seniors. Holy Family parishioners are invited to help this group of several churches to provide services for seniors and the disabled. Transportation to doctors and shopping, Senior Café on Friday, repairs and yard work to those in need. Contact Cathy Ball at 410-206-1762 or [email protected] for more information.
Haiti Sister Parish: Holy Family parishioners are invited to get involved with a group which fosters exchanges with and finances projects to better the lives of people in a large parish in Haiti. Contact: Nancy Goff at [email protected].
Holy Mowers Lawn Service: Volunteers to help with projects, planting, and mowing of the lawn at the rectory in Hardesty Estates. Contact Paul at [email protected] or Katy at [email protected] for information.
Sacramental Greeters: Help to welcome families and to set up for sacraments that take place at Holy Family. Delores Jones - [email protected].
Lazarus Ministry: This committee provides a luncheon after a funeral for the family and friends of the deceased. Volunteers are needed to help with this ministry by cooking, delivering food or helping with preparation, set-up or clean-up. Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Senior Luncheon Ministry: Hosts luncheons for seniors, especially those who are homebound or in local institutions. We provide transportation, help to decorate the hall, entertainment, a nice meal, and fellowship. For more information, contact Sue Hickman at [email protected].
Respect Life Ministry: Protecting the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. For more information, contact Katherine Miller – [email protected].
Outreach Ministry: Volunteers are needed for the Outreach Ministry. These are people who visit the home bound and shut-ins who will give them the hosts to go out to visit. If you think this is your calling, please email [email protected].
Finance Council: If you have expertise in this area, we could use your help to help us with our financial planning and budget. Maureen Konschnik – [email protected].
Vocation Awareness: Help to encourage vocations. Fr. Michael Jendrek - [email protected]
Parishioner Welcome Committee: Members of this committee contact and welcome new parishioners as they register in the parish and offering to meet them at Mass and give them a tour of the campus and a gift from the parish. Minimal commitment required. Welcome Desk Contact: Mary Redmiles - [email protected]; Phone Call Coordinator - Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Chapel Cleaning on Wednesday mornings. Contact: Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Food Pantry: Help to deliver groceries to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Food Pantry. Contact: Paul Dallavalle - [email protected].
Caring For Creation: Environmental Ministry: Help to make our Parish grounds more beautiful and environmentally responsible. Contact Chris - [email protected].
Social Justice Committee: Working for the dignity and respect of every life. Charitable giving is coordinated with the Pastoral Council, food drive is coordinated with Religious Education to provide the Light House Shelter in Annapolis with one month of pantry items. We participate in the March for Life in January. Contact Margaret Wood at [email protected] for more information.
St. Vincent de Paul: This ministry uses the money donated in the poor box to help residents of South County avoid evictions, utility shut-offs and other financial crises. For more information email Nick Pessagno - [email protected].
The South County Faith Network: Provides Transportation, Building Ramps and Doing Repairs for Seniors. Holy Family parishioners are invited to help this group of several churches to provide services for seniors and the disabled. Transportation to doctors and shopping, Senior Café on Friday, repairs and yard work to those in need. Contact Cathy Ball at 410-206-1762 or [email protected] for more information.
Haiti Sister Parish: Holy Family parishioners are invited to get involved with a group which fosters exchanges with and finances projects to better the lives of people in a large parish in Haiti. Contact: Nancy Goff at [email protected].
Holy Mowers Lawn Service: Volunteers to help with projects, planting, and mowing of the lawn at the rectory in Hardesty Estates. Contact Paul at [email protected] or Katy at [email protected] for information.
Sacramental Greeters: Help to welcome families and to set up for sacraments that take place at Holy Family. Delores Jones - [email protected].
Lazarus Ministry: This committee provides a luncheon after a funeral for the family and friends of the deceased. Volunteers are needed to help with this ministry by cooking, delivering food or helping with preparation, set-up or clean-up. Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Senior Luncheon Ministry: Hosts luncheons for seniors, especially those who are homebound or in local institutions. We provide transportation, help to decorate the hall, entertainment, a nice meal, and fellowship. For more information, contact Sue Hickman at [email protected].
Respect Life Ministry: Protecting the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. For more information, contact Katherine Miller – [email protected].
Outreach Ministry: Volunteers are needed for the Outreach Ministry. These are people who visit the home bound and shut-ins who will give them the hosts to go out to visit. If you think this is your calling, please email [email protected].
Finance Council: If you have expertise in this area, we could use your help to help us with our financial planning and budget. Maureen Konschnik – [email protected].
Vocation Awareness: Help to encourage vocations. Fr. Michael Jendrek - [email protected]
Parishioner Welcome Committee: Members of this committee contact and welcome new parishioners as they register in the parish and offering to meet them at Mass and give them a tour of the campus and a gift from the parish. Minimal commitment required. Welcome Desk Contact: Mary Redmiles - [email protected]; Phone Call Coordinator - Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Chapel Cleaning on Wednesday mornings. Contact: Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Food Pantry: Help to deliver groceries to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Food Pantry. Contact: Paul Dallavalle - [email protected].