Winter Relief:
Helping the Homeless in Anne Arunel County
2023 Dates: Nov. 27-Dec. 4
Thank you to all who served during Winter Relief 2023!
What Is Winter Relief?Winter Relief is a project sponsored by Arundel House of Hope (AHOH), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the homeless. It was formed in Glen Burnie in 1992. Winter Relief solicits churches in Anne Arundel County to house the homeless in their facilities for seven consecutive nights during the cold months of the year. This year 72 churches will be hosting during the cold months. There will be three churches in operation most weeks. One will house only men, the other churches, as Holy Family, will house both men and women.
Interesting in Volunteering?
Winter Relief solicits churches in Anne Arundel County to house the homeless in their facilities for seven consecutive nights during the cold months of the year.
And the king answering shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me. -Matthew 25:40 Some Considerations About Homelessness
Why are people homeless? Several reasons, with no one cause:
Depression Is Common
What is it like to be homeless?