Spiritual Direction
What Is Spiritual Direction?Spiritual Direction is a relationship in which you invite someone to accompany you on your faith journey. This person is more like a spiritual guide or companion, as God is the true spiritual director. This companion meets with you on a regular basis to provide a listening ear, and offer suggestions and resources for your spiritual life.
Why seek Spiritual Direction?One may seek spiritual direction for many reasons, including:
How does it work?The privilege and responsibility of a spiritual director is to journey with you as you deepen your relationship with God. Our spiritual directors have formal training and are seasoned in the art of spiritual direction. You and your guide meet at a convenient time, usually once a month for an hour. This can be done in person at the parish, video call or a hybrid of the two. Whether your relationship with the spiritual director continues for many years or only for a short period of time, it is very important to be comfortable with the spiritual director you choose. What is shared between you is held in strict confidence.
Spiritual Direction is not a substitute for mental health therapy or pastoral counseling but is often done in conjunction with either. |
Opportunity to do the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in Daily Life
St. Ignatius designed the Spiritual Exercises to help people deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in the inner freedom to discern where God is truly calling them. The Spiritual Exercises can be done at a retreat house for an intense 30 days or done in daily life. Ignatius realized that busy people at home need an alternative. This retreat in daily life takes 8-9 months and is done with a trained guide. You commit to an hour of daily prayer and meet weekly with your guide. It is a significant undertaking but richly rewarding. Other forms of direction exist and your spiritual guide will help you determine the best approach for you.
What is the next step?
If you think spiritual direction might be for you, or if you have questions, please fill out the form and submit, or call for more information: 410-269-0586 and we will contact you shortly.
About Our Directors:
Fran Knoll received her certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Holy Trinity Parish’s three year Ignatian training program in 2018 and a certificate from the Holy Trinity Faber Program to give the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in 2020. She is a retired nurse-midwife, wife, mom and grandmother. Fran has a special interest in persons with disabilities. She considers guiding others as they tend to the needs of their souls to be a sacred privilege. She also enjoys finding God in all things especially by living on the Chesapeake Bay.
Deirdre Banscher completed Holy Trinity Parish’s three year Ignatian training program in Becoming a Spiritual Director in 2018. She accompanies people in all stages of their spiritual journey, with a particular emphasis on deepening one’s awareness of God’s loving presence in their lives, as well as identifying the internal and external forces that may interfere with recognizing and responding to that love. Now a grandmother and retired registered nurse, she is grateful to have the opportunity to focus primarily on matters of spiritual health.
Bill Kraus is a retired attorney and Air Force officer with eight years of experience working with teens and young adults in the church. He snowboards and enjoys time with his wife and son. He received his certification in Spiritual Direction from the Bon Secours Spiritual Direction Institute in 2022. Bill is especially focused on helping people recognize God’s foundational love for us, wherever we are in our life journey, and helping others grow in seeing and responding to that love.
Deirdre Banscher completed Holy Trinity Parish’s three year Ignatian training program in Becoming a Spiritual Director in 2018. She accompanies people in all stages of their spiritual journey, with a particular emphasis on deepening one’s awareness of God’s loving presence in their lives, as well as identifying the internal and external forces that may interfere with recognizing and responding to that love. Now a grandmother and retired registered nurse, she is grateful to have the opportunity to focus primarily on matters of spiritual health.
Bill Kraus is a retired attorney and Air Force officer with eight years of experience working with teens and young adults in the church. He snowboards and enjoys time with his wife and son. He received his certification in Spiritual Direction from the Bon Secours Spiritual Direction Institute in 2022. Bill is especially focused on helping people recognize God’s foundational love for us, wherever we are in our life journey, and helping others grow in seeing and responding to that love.