Ministries and Organizations List
Liturgy and Worship
Liturgy Committee / Church Environment/Decorating: Ruth Milano
Extraordinary Ministers: Margaret Wood - [email protected] and Jo Allman-[email protected]
Lectors: Don Rakoskie- [email protected]
Altar Servers: Cyndi Zajic - [email protected]
Ushers: Vernon Pizzi – [email protected]
Cantors: Individuals needed to lead songs at various Masses. Ron Brown – [email protected]
Traditional Choir: Ron Brown - [email protected]
Men’s Choir: Young adult to adult men. Ron Brown - [email protected]
Choristers: Singing group for Kindergarten through 7th grade – Currently on hiatus. Contact Ron Brown - [email protected] for more information.
Contemporary Music Group: Third and fourth Sundays of the month and when there is a fifth Sunday of the month at 10:30am Mass. Bill MacDonald at [email protected].
Prayer Teams: Meet the 2nd Sunday of the month after the 5pm, 8:30am and 10:30am Masses. Chuck & Sally Miller – [email protected].
Family Mass Greeters: Ministry of hospitality at all the Masses. Cyndi Zajic - [email protected].
Fellowship Committee: Fellowship Ministry brings parishioners together as a church community in social gatherings that foster friendship and support. We organize and host numerous special dinners, events and receptions. Contact Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Hall Manager: Rental of social hall for various events. Louisa Woolery – [email protected]
VIRTUS/STAND Training (Volunteer Requirements)- Louisa Woolery – [email protected]
Family Ministry: Works to build up programs for families and couples in our parish. Cyndi Zajic-[email protected].
Making Music, Praying Twice: Preschool program that meets September through May. Cyndi Zajic-[email protected]. Looking for additional teachers!
Friday Fellowship: Meets every Friday at 9:30am in the lower gallery to play cards/games. Refreshments and socializing for all! Cyndi Zajic - [email protected].
Director of Religious Education: Dodie Seppi- [email protected].
Sacramental Preparation: Beth Supple – [email protected]
Catechist/teacher: Classes for grades PreK-8, meet September thru May
Aides: Aides assist catechists in the Christian Formation classes.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Present the Word at Mass to children age 4 and through the second grade. Cyndi Zajic – [email protected].
Religious Education Committee: Assist in helping to plan and coordinate the religious education programs.
Nursery: We have nursery all year round at the 8:30am and 10:30am Masses for children 2-5 years old. Cyndi Zajic – [email protected].
Sacramental Preparation for Baptism: Assist new parents to prepare for the baptism of their children. Deacon Doug - [email protected] and Deacon Moise - [email protected].
Faith and Abilities: Program of catechetical instruction and faith formation for children and young people with disabilities. Maryann Sabo and Maureen Flanagan - [email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry:
Middle School Faith Formation: Sundays 9:10am & 11am & Mondays 4:45pm
Youth Group Gatherings: Saturdays after the 5pm Mass - Rooms 10 & 11 - through December
Confirmation Preparation Program for Youth: Various times during the school year.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults “RCIA” is a program for adults pursuing the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic Church. Charles Burk at [email protected].
Rite of Christian Initiation for Youth (ages 15 to 19) is a program for young people pursuing the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic Church. Dodie Seppi at [email protected].
Prayer Network: Pray for others in the parish and outside of the parish who are sick or in need of prayer. You can volunteer to be part of this prayer network. Those who participate are asked to pray for those on the prayer list on a daily basis as much as is possible. Chuck and Sally Miller - [email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Catholic fraternal organization for men and their families. Meetings held at Holy Family. Contact: Frank Klein - [email protected].
Ladies Auxiliary: The South County Knights of Columbus has a Ladies Auxiliary that supports the Knights in yearly endeavors. The Auxiliary is from the combined parishioners and Knights from Holy Family and Our Lady of Sorrows. Contact: Anne Hemmer- [email protected].
Marriage Preparation: We are looking for married couples from our parish to receive training from the Archdiocese to assist engaged couples with their preparation for marriage. Cyndi Zajic-[email protected].
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Committee: This committee of many dedicated people promotes and facilitates Eucharistic Adoration in the parish. Cindy Daily - [email protected].
Single Adult Ministry: Contact Jeanne at [email protected].
Marriage Encounter Circle Group: If you have taken a Marriage Encounter weekend and would like to join a monthly Marriage Encounter Prayer Circle please contact Don and Wink Flanders at 301-395-5369 or email [email protected] for more information. For info about a “Marriage Encounter” retreat, go to
“Retrouvaille” is a retreat for marriages needing healing. Contact-Hank or Kim at [email protected].
Go to to learn more.
Divorce Care: Contact-Cyndi Zajic at [email protected].
Sew Time: Making quilts, pillows, and blankets for those in the hospital or suffering from illness. Meets the third Tuesday of the month. Barbara Harmel – [email protected]om.
Bereavement Ministry: For those who have had a loss. Dave Konschnik – [email protected]
Senior Luncheon Committee: Hosts luncheons for seniors, especially those who are homebound or in local institutions. We provide transportation; help to decorate the hall, entertainment, a nice meal, and fellowship. Sue Hickman - [email protected].
For all Adult Faith Opportunities please go to:
Cursillo: If you have been on a Cursillo retreat and want information about local groups for men or women in the Cursillo movement, please contact Tina at [email protected].
Holy Family Book Club Ministry: Read a book and meet for lively discussion, friendship, and snacks in the parish library. Click here for list of books for the 2023-2024 session. Betty Ryon - [email protected].
Secular Franciscans: The members of this group actually can become lay members of the Franciscan Order. They meet monthly and strive to live simply and with the Gospel integrity of Sts. Francis and Clare. Visit
Celebrate Recovery is for anyone who is looking for a Christ-centered way to deal with an issue that is blocking us in our spiritual journey (food, internet, alcohol, attitudes, etc.) There is a men’s group that meets on Fridays (contact Ed at [email protected]. A women’s group is forming, contact Diane at [email protected].
The Bereavement Group, “Understanding Your Grief”: Meets every spring for a six-week program, and then monthly all year on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. If you’ld like to help, contact Dave at [email protected]. If you or someone you know would like to attend, contact Joan at [email protected].
Divorce Care is a program for those who have recently experienced a divorce or separation. For more info, Cyndi at [email protected].
Pastoral Council: Helps to provide advice to the pastor and a venue for discussion about issues in the parish.
Social Justice Committee: Working for the dignity and respect of every life. Charitable giving is coordinated with the Pastoral Council, food drive is coordinated with Religious Education to provide the Light House Shelter in Annapolis with one month of pantry items. We participate in the March for Life in January.
St. Vincent de Paul: This ministry uses the money donated in the poor box to help residents of South County avoid evictions, utility shut-offs and other financial crises. Nick Pessagno - [email protected].
Winter Relief: House the Homeless the first week of December/ Contact: Dave Konschnik at [email protected].
The South County Faith Network: Providing transportation, building ramps and doing repairs for seniors. Holy Family parishioners are invited to help this group of several churches to provide services for seniors and the disabled. Transportation to doctors and shopping, Senior Café on Friday, repairs and yard work to those in need. Contact for Senior Café is Cathy Ball [email protected] Contact for Rebuilding Together is Fred Weis [email protected]
Haiti Sister Parish: Holy Family parishioners are invited to get involved with a group which fosters exchanges with and finances projects to better the lives of people in a large parish in Haiti. Email - [email protected].
Environmental Ministry: Help to make our Parish grounds more beautiful and environmentally responsible. Great volunteer opportunity! Chris Gordon - [email protected].
“Holy Mowers” Lawn Service: Volunteers to help with projects, planting, and mowing of the lawn at the rectory in Hardesty Estates. Paul Dallavalle - [email protected] or Katy McCaffrey - [email protected].
Funeral, Wedding and Baptism Greeters: Help to welcome families and to set up for sacraments that take place at Holy Family. Delores Jones - [email protected]
Lazarus Committee: This committee provides a luncheon after a funeral for the family and friends of the deceased. Volunteers are needed to help with this ministry by cooking, delivering food or helping with preparation, set-up or clean-up. Cyndi Zajic: [email protected]
Respect Life Committee: Protecting the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. All are welcome. Katherine Miller - [email protected].
Catholic Advocacy Network (CAN): Get updates from the Maryland Catholic Conference on how to contact your representatives. Visit
Outreach Ministry: Visit, pray with and bring communion to shut-ins and those in institutions. Donna Wardrup - [email protected].
Finance Council: If you have expertise in this area, we could use your help to help us with our financial planning and budget. Maureen Konschnik – [email protected]
Parishioner Welcome Committee: Members of this committee contact and welcome new parishioners as they register in the parish and offering to meet them at Mass and give them a tour of the campus and a gift from the parish. Minimal commitment required. Cyndi Zajic [email protected]
Welcome Desk Ministry - Mary Redmiles at [email protected].
JMJ Café: Located outside Unity Hall. $1 Pods for your enjoyment and relaxation!
Holy Family Lending Library: Located next to the JMJ Café. Grab a cup of Joe and choose from a broad selection of books. Return with 2-3 weeks. Mary Ann Joyce – 301-526-6229.
Chapel Cleaning: Wednesday mornings. Contact Cyndi Zajic - [email protected].
Food Pantry: Help to deliver groceries to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Food Pantry. Contact the Parish Office at [email protected].
MYPARISH APP on your phone/tablet through the App Store or Google Play Store. Search for Holy-Family-Davidsonville.